Wellbeing Ambassadors


  • To become, ‘Happiness Heroes’ and begin the accreditation scheme to be a, ‘myHappymind’ accredited school, starting with the bronze award;
  • To continue to develop the positive use of, ‘myHappymind’ throughout the school;
  • To continue to develop good health and well-being for children, staff and parents, including a positive growth mindset when engaging in learning.

Our Well-being ambassadors have been very busy during pupil voice groups 🙂 We have organised and participated in:

  • Pyjama Day-Children were able to come to school in their pyjamas in exchange for donating a brand new pair of pyjamas aged between 0-18 or a money donation. Lisa from the Pyjama Appeal Registered Charity (1185739) then gave the pyjamas to children who would be unfortunately spending Christmas Day in hospital.
  • We entered a myHappymind ‘H-A-Ppy Christmas competition and won! 🙂 We had to record a short video of the impact that myHappymind has on our school. We won a certificate and five capes (One for each module) as our prize
  • Year 3 and Year 4 have visited Pendine Care Home and taken part in an Expressive Arts lesson led by Jason at the home

We are moving onto:

  • Promoting the engagement of Parents downloading and using the myHappymind parent app
  • Embedding the five ways to wellbeing
  • Beginning the accreditation scheme for myHappymind
  • Organising Reception and Year 6 to attend Pendine Care Home
  • Organising a date for our annual, ‘Unbeatable Eva’ Day in school